Flood sensor. Leak sensor. Safety sensor. AEOTEC Water Sensor 7 Pro. Your home’s 7th sense.
We protect our homes in so many ways. With smoke sensors, door locks, and security systems. But more homes are damaged each year by small leaks than by devastating fires or burglaries. Water Sensor 7 Pro changes that, using Z-Wave Plus to silently monitor areas of your home at risk of water and then taking action when the worst occurs.
Water Sensor 6 protects your home from leaks and floods in the easiest of ways. You place it down, set it, and forget it. Dock is a pro-tool that dramatically enhances the most important features of Water Sensor 6. With Dock and Water Sensor 6 combined, your home is protected by the most advanced Z-Wave flood sensor available.
Invisible sensors. Smart sensors. A smart home should be intelligent and it should be invisible. Recessor is the realisation of that principle. It connects to the AEOTEC MultiSensor 6 and AEOTEC TriSensor allowing either to be seamlessly installed and recessed within a wall or ceiling space. Recessor makes Z-Wave multi-sensors subtle.
The YALE Assure Digital Deadbolt (with key) combines a highly secure lockset with an elegant electronic interactive touchscreen. It allows users to effortlessly access their premises using their smartphone and to remotely open the door for visitors when they are away.
Use the Universal Multisensor Recessor to place multi-sensors within a wall or ceiling allowing them to serve their function more discreetly and preserving the aesthetic appeal of your home. It is easy to install and remove. Simply twist the cover off the recessor and place your multi-sensor inside, then pull the recessor clips back as you insert it into the hole in your wall/ceiling.