NICE RUN1200HS Motor Kit
Quick Overview
User-friendly: thanks to the Nice BlueBUS technology, the control unit can be connected to up to seven couples of photocells, control, security and signalling devices, using two wires only.
Practical: the control unit and PS524 battery charger can be connected by means of a simple connector and can be housed directly inside the motor.
Advanced: the temperature sensor adapts the motor power to the climatic conditions and at the same time thermal cut-out. A master/slave selection automatically synchronises two motors. This means it is possible to automate 2-leaf sliding gates set opposite each other.
Intelligent: thanks to the obstacle detection system and automatic programming of the working times. Self-diagnosis by means of a flashing light. 8 programming levels.
Safe: acceleration and deceleration can be adjusted at the beginning and at the end of each opening and closing manoeuvre.
Sturdy: base and release in pressure die cast with easy to open handle.
Very quiet: gear motor on bearings.
The kits include:
- 1 x RUN1200HS Hi-speed electro-mechanical gear motor (24v)
- 1 x RUA6 Integrated Control Unit
- 2 x ON2E Transmitters
- 1 x EPMB Pair of BlueBUS Photocells
- 1 x OXI Receiver
Product Support
⇒ Nice RUN400HS / RUN1200HS Manual
⇒ Please see full range of NICE gates and garage door openers here
Technical Specifications
Product Name
Battery Backup Option
Gate Speed (m/sec)
500 Nm
Protection Level
Operation temperature
-20 – 50°C
Dimensions (mm)
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